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At White Tree, we believe in the enduring allure of classic design, never swayed by passing fads.

Instead, we celebrate the everlasting beauty of garments
meticulously crafted to stand the test of time.

A sanctuary where style meets substance

How the White Tree Studio was born

Welcome to The White Tree Studio, a sanctuary where style meets substance, and every garment is a testament to the artistry of handcrafted fashion. Founded in 2018 by the dynamic mother-daughter duo Lamiya and Alifiya, The White Tree Studio is more than just a brand—it's a journey through time, where tradition and innovation converge to create something truly extraordinary.
With over three decades of experience, Lamiya brings her passion for craftsmanship to every design, infusing each piece with a sense of grace and refinement.
For Alifiya, joining her mother's venture was more than just a business decision—it was a calling to carry forward a legacy of creativity and innovation. With a degree in business and a keen eye for design, she brings a fresh perspective to the brand, blending tradition with modernity to create collections that resonate with a global audience.

a homage to the cotton plant


The name White Tree is a homage to the cotton plant itself, often referred to as the "white gold" due to its significance in textile production. Just as the cotton tree stands tall and pure, symbolizing resilience and natural beauty, our brand aims to embody these qualities in our commitment to using cotton exclusively in our Wearable Handmades.
Cotton, with its softness, breathability, and versatility, serves as the cornerstone of our designs. By linking our brand name back to the cotton tree, we not only pay
tribute to the source of our primary material but also emphasize our dedication to sustainability and ethical practices.
White Tree represents a harmonious blend of nature's simplicity and human craftsmanship, echoing the ethos of our brand and our reverence for the environment. Like the cotton tree, we stand tall in our mission to create fashion that is both timeless and sustainable, rooted in the purity and resilience of nature.


Our dedication to exquisite embroidery sets us apart

At White Tree, we believe in the enduring allure of classic design, never swayed by passing fads. Instead, we celebrate the everlasting beauty of garments meticulously crafted to stand the test of time.
Our design process starts with inspiration drawn from the natural world and the rich cultural heritage of textiles. Designers at The White Tree Studio work closely with artisans to translate these inspirations into patterns and motifs that are both timeless and modern. This collaborative approach ensures that each design retains the essence of tradition while appealing to contemporary aesthetics.
Once the design is finalized, it is brought to life through a series of meticulous steps. The patterns are carefully hand-drawn, and the fabric is cut with precision to ensure that every piece fits together perfectly. This attention to detail in the initial stages sets the foundation for the quality and beauty of the final product.
Our dedication to exquisite embroidery sets us apart, infusing each piece with an air of refinement and individuality. Every stitch tells a story, weaving together a tapestry of artistry that speaks to the discerning eye. Our artisans pour their heart and soul into every creation, ensuring that each garment is a masterpiece in its own right.

"At The White Tree, we don't just follow trends; we set our own path, guided by a commitment to quality, sustainability, and timeless style. Every garment we create is a labor of love—a homage to the artisans who breathe life into our designs and the customers who appreciate the beauty of handmade craftsmanship."
Alifiya Husain
Founder and Chief Designer

“I hope to witness an even greater impact of White Tree’s philosophy and vision, with people increasingly making conscious choices and age-old crafts that are so instrumental to a balanced ecological future, retaining their relevance through
recognition and fair remuneration. It is up to small brands like ours, as well as those making buying choices, to change the narrative by being more compassionate makers and consumers so as to ensure that our children inherit a better planet.”
Lamiya Basrai
Founder & Creative Head

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